Most Digitally Forward Thinking Business:
The agency or brand using digital marketing in an original manner using multiple platforms to engage their audience for a specific goal.
Best Use of Digital Marketing:
Best small to medium sized company using digital marketing to amplify their brand and message.

Tessa Gould
VP of Ad Innovation & Monetization, BuzzFeed
Westchester Digital Summit
David Berkowitz
Chief Marketing Officer, MRY
Westchester Digital Summit
Tami Cannizzaro
Global Director, Social Business, IBM
Westchester Digital Summit
Chris Hansen
CEO, Hansen News LLC
Westchester Digital SummitDetails
Who are the nominees?
The nominees are Westchester based businesses of all shapes and sizes. These companies and the individuals within them have blazed a trail with their digital marketing and taken their business to new heights.
How does it work?
- The judging panel will be composed of the Chesters Advisory Board.
- All submissions must be through the online form and submitted to [email protected]
- Winners will be announced at the Westchester Digital Summit on May 14, 2015.
Rules of entry:
- Completely fill out the Chesters entry form and Include a maximum of three recent supporting examples illustrating why the nominee should be considered.
- Additional information that may be required by the judges shall be asked for on a need-to-know/case-by-case basis.
- Producers reserve the right to reproduce any materials submitted in connection with the promotion of the Westchester Digital Summit.
- Decisions of the judges are final. No inquiries or comments will be entertained.
- Submissions that do not meet the entry criteria in full will be disqualified from entry to the Awards and fees will not be refunded.
- Nominators and nominees must be at least 18 years old.
- The closing date for entries is Friday, May 8, 11:59pm ET.
Entry fees & payment
- $100 per business submission
- All entry fees are non-refundable